
For further information please check the FindMySchool Website.
Information for families on transitioning from Year 6 to 7, including the 2021-22 Transition Information Packs for Parents/Carers, will be available on the parent section of the Department of Education and Training’s website by end of Term 1, 2021, refer to: Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents
Two different parent/carer packs will be available to download from the parent page:
- 2021-22 Transition Information Pack for Parents/Carers with Year 6 Students at Government Schools
- 2021-22 Transition Information Pack for Parents/Carers with Year 6 Students at Non-Government Schools.
Students who attend Government primary schools will be provided with a Transition Information Pack from their Primary School, early in Term 2. Parents of students who attend non-Government primary schools are asked to collect a Transition Information Pack from Belmont High School, in Week 2 of Term 2.
Year 7 – 12 Enrolments
All enrolment enquiries are to be made through the general Office. Please call 5243 5355.
Year 7 Placement Process
Belmont High School follows the Department’s Placement Policy and timeline.
The Department has changed the Placement Policy from the beginning of the 2020 school year.
A child’s ‘Designated neighbourhood School’ (DNS) is the school nearest the student’s permanent address.
Eligible children and young persons have the right to be admitted to their DNS.
Students are able to apply for a place at a school that is not their DNS.
All students that seek enrolment outside of their DNS should be enrolled in that school, if there is sufficient capacity.
Where there are insufficient places at a school for all student that seek entry, students are enrolled according to the Placement Policy’s priority order of placement (see below).
In exceptional circumstances, a student may be enrolled in a school based on compassionate grounds.
Priority Order of Placement
In circumstances when a school may not be able to accept all applications due to capacity concerns, schools must manage enrolment applications with the following priority order of placement. All applicants eligible under a criterion must be offered a place before moving on to consideration of the next.
- Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school
- Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
- Where the regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school.
- Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds
- All other student in order of closeness of their home to the school.
Evidence for Demonstrating Permanent Residence
Belmont High School requests documentation to verify a student’s permanent residence, in order to fairly assess enrolment applications.
Enrolment applications may not be successful if the requested documentation is not provided.
Schools are permitted to make reasonable enquiries to verify permanent address information provided by parents/carers.
School Bus program
While parents/carers have primary responsibility for transporting their children to and from school, the School Bus Program assists families in regional Victoria by transporting students to/from school.
For more information, eligibility criteria and application forms, please go to: